Become a Member
What Makes Us Unique?
MCAN is the only organization in Montana that is a collaborative network of K-12, higher education, and industry professionals.
This network is a practitioner group with a passion for equity in education.
Ways To Engage
Serve as MCAN ambassador
Hold leadership positions
Share your organizational missions/updates across our network
Speak or recommend speakers for MCAN training's/conference
Assist in policy/advocacy work
Develop and recognize student achievers
Member Benefits
Connects stakeholders with allies
Offer best practice conferences
Supply tools/resources to increase post secondary opportunities for Montana Students​
Early access to newly published documents like MCAN GAP Analysis
Opportunities to participate in MCAN's Leadership Council and Committee workshops
Amplify your organizations efforts
Opportunities for organizational collaboration and peer networking
Montana's large geographical area leaves many citizens without a "near-by" college. This phenomenon is known nationally as an education desert.​
Montana's economy is struggling with a lack of a qualified and skilled workforce.
Montana students do not attain post-secondary educational goals at the same rates as other states or the nation.
A high percentage of Montana students who are in our K-12 systems have experience trauma that affects their educational goals.