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About Us

At a Glance – Check out some quick facts about MCAN’s work and reach across the state here!

Montana College Attainment Network’s mission is to support, serve, and enhance our affiliate members in their efforts to increase post-secondary participation and completion for all Montanans.  Established in 2008, Montana College Attainment Network (MCAN) is a 501(c)3 non-profit that helps advance the goal of all Montanans achieving their career and lifestyle aspiration through higher education.

In 2008, several college access professionals got together and recognized the isolated work that each region of Montana does to increase Montana’s rates of post-secondary attendance. The work that each person did often overlapped and could be more effective if the individual programs worked together to share their experiences and ideas. MCAN became the table for all higher education access and success professionals in Montana. As a stand-alone organization, MCAN matched the Goal 2025 objective set by the Lumina Foundation; Goal 2025 seeks to get degree attainment up to 60% to better the future of American employees. MCAN also recognizes the importance and value in earning certificates and two-year degrees.

MCAN affiliate members serve all Montana students including:  low-income, non-traditional, Native American/American Indians, and veteran students.

Our greatest project, year after year, is the Montana College Attainment Conference. Since 2008, MCAN has hosted a joint conference with other leading organizations such as ASPIRE (TRIO) and MASFAA to encourage and educate the people who work hard to see student’s succeed. The conference is held annually in late winter or early spring in various locations across the state.

MCAN shares your values of providing opportunities to students and opening doors through education. 

Our Mission

Our Mission

Montana College Attainment Network supports, serves, and enhances its affiliate members in their efforts to increase post-secondary participation and completion for all Montanans.


Our Vision

MCAN will help facilitate a shift toward a college-going culture, so that all Montanans believe that postsecondary education is necessary, worth the investment, and possible for every student. Our vision is for all Montana students to believe in their capacity to achieve the goals they have set for their lives, with education at all levels providing the cornerstones of these dreams.


In order to achieve this vision, MCAN members will continue to work together to help Montana’s students understand the myriad postsecondary education opportunities available to them, including (but not limited to) two-year and four-year programs, workforce training and education, and graduate/professional degrees. In addition, we will continue to collaborate to help students access financial resources to make postsecondary education affordable for all Montanans.


Fulfilling our vision will result in an educated Montana workforce ready to meet the opportunities of the future.  Building a college-going culture in Montana will strengthen both state and local economies, demonstrate to businesses interested in investing in Montana that education is valued here, and develop generational prosperity.

We Need Your Support Today!

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